Enter the decimal 1.36 as an improper fraction in simplest form.

1.36 as a fraction is

34/25 es la respuesta


To convert a decimal to a fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the decimal divided by 1 (1.36/1)
Step 2: Multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 100 (since there are two decimal places in 1.36)
Step 3: Simplify the fraction (if possible)

So, let's go step by step:

Step 1: Write down the decimal divided by 1 (1.36/1)


Step 2: Multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 100:

1.36 x 100 / 1 x 100


Step 3: Simplify the fraction (if possible):

The greatest common divisor (GCD) of 136 and 100 is 4, so we can simplify further:

136/100 = 34/25

Therefore, 1.36 as an improper fraction in simplest form is 34/25.

To convert the decimal 1.36 to an improper fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the decimal as a fraction by placing the number over its place value. In this case, 1.36 has two decimal places, so place it over the number 100 (10^2).

1.36 = 1.36/100

Step 2: Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor (GCF). In this case, divide both the numerator and denominator by 4.

1.36/100 = (1.36 ÷ 4) / (100 ÷ 4) = 0.34/25

So, the improper fraction form of 1.36 in simplest form is 0.34/25.