In a paragraph, describe three challenges faced by immigrants who came to the United States in the late 1800s.

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In the late 1800s, immigrants faced numerous challenges upon arriving in the United States. Firstly, language barriers posed a significant hurdle as the majority of immigrants did not speak English. To overcome this, they had to quickly learn the language to communicate effectively and integrate into American society. Secondly, the economic challenges were immense. Many immigrants arrived with little or no money, forcing them to take on low-paying jobs in factories and work long hours in hazardous conditions. They often faced exploitation and discrimination in their workplaces. Lastly, the cultural adjustment was a daunting task. Immigrants had to adapt to a new way of life, including different social customs, laws, and traditions, while also preserving their own cultural identity. This required a delicate balance between assimilation and retaining their own heritage.

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