A computer shop charges 15.00 in every hour of computer rental. Represent your computer rental fee (R) using the function R(t) where t is the number of hours you spent on the computer

To represent the computer rental fee (R) using the function R(t), where t is the number of hours spent on the computer, we can use the following formula:

R(t) = 15.00 * t

In this formula, 15.00 represents the hourly rate charged by the computer shop, and t represents the number of hours spent on the computer.

To represent the computer rental fee using the function R(t), where t is the number of hours spent on the computer, we can use the formula:

R(t) = 15 * t

Here, R(t) represents the rental fee, 15 represents the charge per hour (in this case, $15.00), and t represents the number of hours spent on the computer.

This function calculates the rental fee by multiplying the number of hours (t) by the charge per hour (15), giving you the total rental fee (R) for the given number of hours.

R(t) = 15.00t