Give me the asnwer please Im begging

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
A. Before Nate did his homework, he took the dog out for a walk.
B. Before, Nate did his homework, he took the dog, out for a walk.
C. Nate took the dog, out for a walk, before he did his homework.
D. Nate took the dog out for a walk, before he did his homework.

The correct answer is A. "Before Nate did his homework, he took the dog out for a walk."

To determine which sentence is punctuated correctly, we need to analyze the placement of the punctuation marks.

In sentence A, the comma is correctly placed before "he" to separate the introductory clause "Before Nate did his homework" from the main clause "he took the dog out for a walk."

In sentence B, there is a comma after "Before," but it's unnecessary because there is no need to separate the adverb "Before" from its object "Nate did his homework." Similarly, there are unnecessary commas after "dog" and before "out," as they interrupt the phrase "took the dog out for a walk" without adding any clarity.

In sentence C, there are two unnecessary commas around "out for a walk," as there is no need to separate the adverbial phrase from the rest of the sentence.

In sentence D, there are no unnecessary or misplaced commas, but the placement of the phrase "out for a walk" interrupting the main clause "Nate took the dog" makes the sentence less clear and less smoothly flowing compared to sentence A.

Thus, sentence A is the correct option as it contains the necessary comma placement to separate the clauses while maintaining clarity and flow.