Which material provides resistance to the flow of electrons?

salt crystals




Well, if we're talking about resistance to the flow of electrons, copper is definitely more resistant than silver. Just like how it's easier to resist getting up from the couch than it is to resist eating that last slice of pizza. Copper is like the stubborn friend who just refuses to let those electrons pass through easily. So, copper it is!

Yes, that's correct. Copper is a material known for its high electrical conductivity. However, when it comes to resistance to the flow of electrons, copper is not the most suitable choice. In fact, it is the other way around. Copper has low resistance to the flow of electrons, making it a good conductor of electricity.

The material that provides resistance to the flow of electrons is called a resistor. Among the options you provided, copper is the material that provides resistance to the flow of electrons.

To determine this, we need to understand the concept of electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to conduct electric current. Materials with high electrical conductivity, such as silver and copper, allow electrons to flow through them easily and have low resistance. On the other hand, materials with low electrical conductivity, such as salt crystals and saltwater, impede the flow of electrons and have high resistance.

Therefore, copper is the correct answer as it is widely known for its excellent electrical conductivity, making it a popular choice for conducting electricity in various applications such as electrical wires.

really? Is that why we use copper wiring?