Which sentences are variations of standard english? Select the two correct anwsers.

A.He accidentally tripped over the small box.
B.My friend and I thought a vacation in Arizona would be ideal.
C.A judge ordered a provision remedy to protect the defendant until the trial.
D.Dawn opened the can of pop and took a big gulp.
E.Eric hisself chose to stay home instead of coming with us to play baseball on Saturday.

The correct answers are:

A.He accidentally tripped over the small box.
D.Dawn opened the can of pop and took a big gulp.

To determine the correct answers, we need to identify sentences that are variations of standard English. Standard English follows the rules and conventions of the English language.

Let's analyze each sentence:

A. "He accidentally tripped over the small box."
This sentence is in standard English. It follows the subject-verb-object order, and the words are grammatically correct.

B. "My friend and I thought a vacation in Arizona would be ideal."
This sentence is in standard English. It follows the subject-verb-object order, and the words are grammatically correct.

C. "A judge ordered a provision remedy to protect the defendant until the trial."
This sentence is not in standard English. The phrase "provision remedy" sounds unnatural and may be a usage error. A more appropriate wording might be "A judge ordered a protective remedy to safeguard the defendant until the trial."

D. "Dawn opened the can of pop and took a big gulp."
This sentence is in standard English. It follows the subject-verb-object order, and the words are grammatically correct.

E. "Eric hisself chose to stay home instead of coming with us to play baseball on Saturday."
This sentence is not in standard English. The word "hisself" is a non-standard form of the reflexive pronoun "himself." The correct form should be "himself." Therefore, this sentence is a variation of standard English.

Based on the analysis, the two correct answers are:

A. He accidentally tripped over the small box.
D. Dawn opened the can of pop and took a big gulp.