A pendulum Bob has it's maximum speed at 3ms at the lowest position of 0.calculate the height of the Bob above 0.where it's velocity is 0

To determine the height of the bob above position 0, where its velocity is 0, we can use the law of conservation of mechanical energy.

The total mechanical energy of the pendulum bob is given by the sum of its kinetic energy and its potential energy. At the lowest position (0), the bob has its maximum speed, so its kinetic energy is maximum, and its potential energy is minimum (zero).

When the bob reaches a height above position 0 where its velocity is 0, its kinetic energy will be zero, and all its energy will be potential energy.

Using the formula for mechanical energy:

E = KE + PE

At position 0: E_total = KE_max + PE_min

At the height where velocity is 0: E_total = KE_zero + PE_max

Since the bob has maximum velocity at position 0 and zero velocity at the height we are interested in, the kinetic energy at that height will be zero.

Therefore, we have:

E_total = 0 + PE_max

Since the potential energy at the height above position 0 is maximum, we can equate it to the total mechanical energy at position 0:

PE_max = E_total = KE_max + PE_min

The potential energy at position 0 (PE_min) is 0 because it is the lowest position of the bob, so the equation becomes:

PE_max = KE_max

Now, we can express the kinetic energy in terms of the velocity (v) using the formula:

KE = (1/2)mv^2

Where m is the mass of the pendulum bob.

Since we know the maximum speed (v_max) is 3 m/s, we can substitute it into the equation:

KE_max = (1/2)m(v_max)^2

Finally, equating the potential energy (PE_max) to the kinetic energy (KE_max), we get:

PE_max = KE_max

PE_max = (1/2)m(v_max)^2

Now, we have the expression for the potential energy at the height above position 0 where the velocity is 0. To find the height, we need to convert the potential energy to gravitational potential energy.

Gravitational potential energy (PE_grav) is given by the formula:

PE_grav = mgh

Where m is the mass of the bob, g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height above a reference point (in this case, position 0).

Equating the gravitational potential energy to the potential energy at the height where velocity is zero, we have:

PE_grav = PE_max

mgh = (1/2)m(v_max)^2

Simplifying the equation, the mass cancels out:

gh = (1/2)(v_max)^2

Now, we can solve for the height (h) above position 0:

h = (1/2)(v_max)^2 / g

Plugging in the values, we have:

h = (1/2)(3)^2 / 9.8

h = 9/19

Therefore, the height of the bob above position 0, where its velocity is 0, is approximately 0.474 m.