Rita earned 45 points on a test. She lost 8 points, earned 53 points, then lost 6 more points. What is Rita’s final score on the test?

I came up with 84 that should be right


To find Rita's final score on the test, we need to combine the points she earned and the points she lost.

Rita earned 45 points on the test. She then lost 8 points, which we can represent as -8. Adding the points earned and lost, we have:

45 + (-8)

Next, Rita earned 53 points. Adding this to the previous sum, we have:

45 + (-8) + 53

Lastly, Rita lost 6 more points. Adding this to the previous sum, we have:

45 + (-8) + 53 + (-6)

Simplifying the expression, we get:

45 + 53 - 8 - 6

Now we can combine the numbers:

98 - 8 - 6

Simplifying the expression further, we get:

90 - 6

Finally, we subtract:

90 - 6 = 84

Therefore, Rita's final score on the test is 84.