Which four capitals are located between 60 Degrees west and 70 Degrees west

To find the capitals located between 60 degrees west and 70 degrees west, you can refer to a map or use an online tool that provides geographic coordinates. Here's an example of how you can find the answer using an online map:

1. Open an online map service like Google Maps or World Atlas.
2. Zoom in on the area between 60 degrees west and 70 degrees west longitude.
3. Look for capital cities within this longitude range.

Based on my knowledge, here are four capitals that are approximately located between 60 degrees west and 70 degrees west:

1. Caracas, Venezuela (Capital of Venezuela) - Approximately at around 67 degrees west.
2. Georgetown, Guyana (Capital of Guyana) - Approximately at around 58 degrees west.
3. Lima, Peru (Capital of Peru) - Approximately at around 77 degrees west.
4. Quito, Ecuador (Capital of Ecuador) - Approximately at around 78 degrees west.

Please note that exact coordinates may vary slightly depending on the mapping service you use. It's always a good idea to cross-reference with a reliable source or map for precise information.