The Martinez family drove

48.7 miles to the river. It took them
1.2 hours to get there. How fast did
they drive? Round to the nearest whole

how far did they drive and round it to the nearest whole number.

To find the speed at which the Martinez family drove, you need to divide the distance they traveled by the time it took them.

In this case, the distance is 48.7 miles, and the time taken is 1.2 hours. To find the speed, divide the distance by the time:

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 48.7 miles / 1.2 hours

Using a calculator or long division, you can find that the speed is approximately 40.6 miles per hour. However, the question asks for the answer to be rounded to the nearest whole number.

So, rounding 40.6 to the nearest whole number, the answer is 41 miles per hour.

distance = rate x time

48.7 miles = rate x 1.2 hours.
rate in miles/hr = 48.7/1.2 = ?