What will happen if all dead people came back to life.

A.over population on earth***
B.global warming

To understand the possible consequences of all dead people coming back to life, we need to consider a few factors. Let's break it down:

1. Overpopulation: Bringing back all dead people would lead to a significant increase in the global population. Earth's resources, such as food, water, housing, and healthcare, are limited. If an enormous number of people were suddenly added to the world's population, it could lead to scarcity and strain on these resources. Overpopulation would also create challenges in terms of waste management, employment, and social services.

2. Infrastructure: Our current infrastructure, including cities, transportation systems, and utilities, is designed to accommodate the current population. The sudden return of all deceased individuals would put a massive burden on the existing infrastructure, leading to strain and potential collapse.

3. Social and Economic Implications: Reincarnating all dead people would create various challenges in terms of social and economic structures. It would disrupt existing family dynamics, inheritance systems, and legal frameworks. Additionally, the sudden influx of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences might cause social unrest and conflicts.

4. Environmental Impact: While global warming is a separate issue caused by factors such as greenhouse gas emissions, the increase in population resulting from bringing back all dead people could exacerbate the problem. More people would mean more energy consumption, resource extraction, and waste generation, potentially putting additional pressure on the environment.

Considering these factors, the most likely outcome of bringing back all dead people would be overpopulation on Earth (option A). However, it's essential to note that this is a hypothetical scenario, and predicting the exact consequences would be highly speculative.