i need help pls

1. During the hunting and gathering period, which of the following characteristics allowed civilizations to
(1 point)
abundant plant and animal life
increased amount of mammoth in the region
increased religious practices
limited amount of contact between civilizations

2. How did Karankawas adjust their location related to the seasons? (1 point)
In the fall and winter, they lived near the bays and lagoons.
In the fall and winter, they lived near rivers and creeks.
During the summer and spring, they lived near the bays and lagoons.
They did not adjust the location in which they lived based on the seasons.

3. Which of the following best indicates that the Coahuiltecans depended on their environment for
(1 point)
They used anything for food, including seeds and insect eggs.
They used only food they could get from trading with other groups.
They ate only what they could steal from other groups.
They did not depend on their environment for survival.

4. The Apaches cut the Jumanos’ connections with tribes from which area? (1 point)
New Mexico

5. Why would it be an advantage for an explorer to also be a cartographer? (1 point)
It would allow him to map the areas that he was exploring.
It would help him read about the areas he was interested in.
It would help him learn to sail ships.

Being a cartographer would not be an advantage to an explorer.
6. What impact has the East Texas Oil Reserves had on the Piney Woods region? (1 point)
It destroyed the area’s ecosystem and limited living areas.
It helped build Texas’ growth and prosperity in the early and mid-twentieth century.
It has had no impact on the Piney Woods region.
It drew the American Indian groups native to the area to various other parts of the state.
7. When compared to other areas of Texas, why is Big Bend Country less industrialized? (1 point)
Excessive precipitation causes flooding problems.
It has an excessive number of ports.
Mountains and rugged terrain prevent development and transportation.
It lacks available natural resources and land area.

8. Coronado and de Niza were two explorers with several things in common. What is one thing they had in
(1 point)
They were both from England and explored the mountains of Mexico.
They were both from France and explored the swamps of Louisiana.
They were both from Spain and explored the Texas panhandle.
They were both from Mexico and explored the shores of Florida.

9. Apply chronology to these eras in Texas history by arranging the events in the correct time order. (1 point)
American Indian Texas, Mexican Texas, Spanish Texas, Republic of Texas
Mexican Texas, American Indian Texas, Spanish Texas, Republic of Texas
American Indian Texas, Spanish Texas, Mexican Texas, Republic of Texas
Mexican Texas, Spanish Texas, Republic of Texas, American Indian Texas

Use the passage to answer the questions.
“He (La Salle) had sailed but a few miles when the wind failed, a fog covered the sea, and he was forced to anchor opposite
one of the openings into the lagoons north of Mustang Island. At length, on the nineteenth, Beaujeu's lieutenant, Aire, came
on board to charge him (La Salle) with having caused the separation, and La Salle retorted by throwing the blame on
Beaujeu. Then came a debate as to their position. The priest was present, and reports that La Salle seemed greatly
perplexed. He had more cause for perplexity than he knew; for in his ignorance of the longitude of the Mississippi, he had
sailed more than 400 miles beyond it. Of this he had not the faintest suspicion. In full sight from his ship lay a reach of those
vast lagoons which, separated from the sea by narrow strips of land, line this coast with little interruption from Galveston Bay
to the Rio Grande.”

10. According to this passage from the book La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, what was the
primary cause of the explorer’s problems?
(1 point)
lack of leadership skills
lack of food and fresh water
lack of an accurate map
lack of good weather

11. Which excerpt from the passage gives the best evidence of the answer to the previous question? (1 point)
“In full sight from his ship lay a reach of those vast lagoons . . .”

“. . . in his ignorance of the longitude of the Mississippi . . .”
“. . . the wind failed, a fog covered the sea . . .”
“. . . La Salle seemed greatly perplexed.”

12. During which eras of Texas history was Texas part of the United States?
Select all that apply.
(4 points)
Mexican Texas
Republic of Texas
Civil War Texas
Spanish Texas
Era of Reform
American Indian Texas
the Great Depression

PsyDAG, I tried looking through my study guide but nothing there is helping, This stuff is like whole other level

1. C

2. C
3. A
I am almost done with them but these are the ones I have


The last one is Reconstruction, Civil war Texas, Era of reform, The great depression.

don’t let the other people fail you 💀

are these the right answers?

Does anyone know the answers cause I really need help


1. To answer question 1, we need to identify which characteristic allowed civilizations to flourish during the hunting and gathering period. We can eliminate options 2 and 3 since they focus on specific animals and religious practices. The correct answer is likely option 1 which mentions "abundant plant and animal life." This characteristic would have provided a steady food supply for civilizations.

2. For question 2, we need to determine how the Karankawas adjusted their location based on the seasons. We can eliminate options 2 and 4 since they do not mention bays and lagoons. Option 3 mentions the correct seasons (summer and spring) and locations (near the bays and lagoons). Therefore, the correct answer is option 3.

3. To answer question 3, we need to find the statement that best indicates the Coahuiltecans' dependence on their environment for survival. Option 2 states that they used anything for food, including seeds and insect eggs, which suggests they relied on their environment for sustenance. Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.

4. To determine which area the Apaches cut the Jumanos' connections with, we can cross-reference the options with historical knowledge. Option 2 (Florida) can be eliminated since it is not geographically close to the Jumanos. Option 1 (New Mexico) and option 4 (Louisiana) are both possible answers, but since the Apaches are known to have inhabited the region of New Mexico, the correct answer is likely option 1.

5. Question 5 asks about the advantage of being an explorer and a cartographer. Option 1 states that being a cartographer would allow the explorer to map the areas they are exploring, which is a clear advantage. Therefore, the correct answer is option 1.

6. To answer question 6, we need to identify the impact of the East Texas Oil Reserves on the Piney Woods region. Option 2 states that it helped build Texas' growth and prosperity in the early and mid-twentieth century, which indicates a positive impact. Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.

7. Question 7 asks why Big Bend Country is less industrialized compared to other areas of Texas. Option 1 can be eliminated since excessive precipitation causing flooding problems is not mentioned in the question. Option 2 is also unlikely because having an excessive number of ports would typically contribute to industrialization. Option 4 mentions the lack of available natural resources and land area, which could inhibit industrialization. However, option 3 states that mountains and rugged terrain prevent development and transportation, which is a stronger reason for less industrialization. Therefore, the correct answer is option 3.

8. To find a similarity between Coronado and de Niza, we can eliminate options 1, 2, and 4 based on historical knowledge. Coronado and de Niza were both from Spain, which is mentioned in option 3. Therefore, the correct answer is option 3.

9. Question 9 requires arranging events in correct chronological order. Based on historical knowledge, American Indian Texas existed before Spanish Texas, and Spanish Texas came before Mexican Texas. Lastly, the Republic of Texas followed Mexican Texas. Using this information, option 3 (American Indian Texas, Spanish Texas, Mexican Texas, Republic of Texas) is the correct answer.

10. To identify the primary cause of La Salle's problems, we need to look for information in the passage. The passage mentions that La Salle sailed more than 400 miles beyond the Mississippi due to his ignorance of its longitude. This suggests that the primary cause of his problems was a lack of an accurate map. Therefore, the correct answer is lack of an accurate map.

11. For question 11, we need to find the excerpt from the passage that provides evidence for the answer to question 10. The excerpt ". . . in his ignorance of the longitude of the Mississippi . . ." directly supports the answer that the primary cause of La Salle's problems was a lack of an accurate map. Therefore, the correct answer is that excerpt.

12. To determine which eras of Texas history Texas was part of the United States, we can identify the relevant periods and cross-reference them with the options. The Republic of Texas is the specific era when Texas was an independent country, and it was later annexed by the United States. Reconstruction, Civil War Texas, and the Great Depression are all periods within which Texas was part of the United States. Therefore, the correct answers are Republic of Texas, Reconstruction, Civil War Texas, and the Great Depression.

Did anyone got the answers

what is the answers and same it is over my head lol

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