What conflict would have arisen? How would that conflict have been resolved? The Third Wish

"The Third Wish" is a short story by Joan Aiken, and as an AI, I don't have access to specific details about the plot. However, I can provide general advice on how to analyze potential conflicts and their resolutions in a story.

To understand the conflict and its resolution in "The Third Wish," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the entire story or familiarize yourself with the plot. This will give you a better understanding of the characters, their motivations, and the overall context.

2. Identify the main conflict: Look for the primary source of tension or struggle in the story. It could be a conflict between characters, an internal conflict within the protagonist, or a conflict with an external force (e.g., nature, society, or fate).

3. Analyze the conflict: Once you have identified the main conflict, analyze its nature and the factors contributing to it. Consider the reasons behind the conflict, the stakes involved, and the impact it has on the characters and the overall story.

4. Look for potential resolutions: Think about possible ways the conflict could be resolved. Consider the actions or decisions the characters might take and the potential consequences of those choices. Look for clues within the story that may indicate a specific resolution or possible outcomes.

5. Consider the story's themes and message: Reflect on the themes and messages explored in the story. A resolution often ties into these overarching ideas, providing insight or conveying a particular meaning.

Keep in mind that each story is unique, and the conflict and its resolution in "The Third Wish" will differ from other works. Exploring the conflict and resolution in a story allows you to gain a deeper understanding of its themes, character development, and the author's intentions.