The typical power output of a compact car engine is 110 hp.What is the equivalent power in (a) lb.ft/s and (b) KW?

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To convert the power output of a compact car engine from horsepower (hp) to lb.ft/s and kilowatts (KW), you can use the following conversion factors:

1 horsepower (hp) = 550 lb.ft/s
1 horsepower (hp) = 0.735 kilowatts (KW)

a) Converting from horsepower to lb.ft/s:
Power (lb.ft/s) = Power (hp) * 550

Power (lb.ft/s) = 110 hp * 550
Power (lb.ft/s) = 60,500 lb.ft/s

Therefore, the equivalent power of a compact car engine in lb.ft/s is 60,500 lb.ft/s.

b) Converting from horsepower to kilowatts:
Power (KW) = Power (hp) * 0.735

Power (KW) = 110 hp * 0.735
Power (KW) = 80.85 KW

Therefore, the equivalent power of a compact car engine in kilowatts is approximately 80.85 KW.

To calculate the equivalent power in lb.ft/s and KW, we need to convert horsepower (hp) to both of these units.

(a) Converting to lb.ft/s:

1 horsepower (hp) is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second ( Therefore, to find the equivalent power in lb.ft/s, we can use the following conversion:

110 hp * 550 per hp = 60,500

So, the equivalent power of a compact car engine in lb.ft/s is 60,500

(b) Converting to KW:

To convert horsepower (hp) to kilowatts (KW), we use the conversion factor:

1 kilowatt (KW) = 1.341 horsepower (hp)

Hence, we can calculate the equivalent power in KW as:

110 hp * 1.341 KW per hp = 147.51 KW

Therefore, the equivalent power of a compact car engine in KW is approximately 147.51 KW.