Match the specific needs from Maslow's hierarchy of needs into the correct category.

____ is the need to be secure, safe, and out of danger.
____ is the need to feel like you belong, are loved, and are valued.
____ is the need to know, to explore, and to understand.
____ is the need to achieve one's full potential as a person.

To match the specific needs from Maslow's hierarchy of needs into the correct category, we can examine the characteristics and descriptions of each need.

1. Physical: This category includes needs related to basic survival and physical well-being. It encompasses physiological needs such as food, water, shelter, sleep, and physical safety.

2. Emotional: This category includes needs related to emotional well-being and personal connections. It encompasses needs for love, belongingness, friendship, and intimate relationships.

3. Aesthetic: This category includes needs related to beauty, symmetry, and order. It encompasses the need for appreciation and enjoyment of art, nature, and sensory experiences.

4. Self-fulfilling: This category includes needs related to personal growth, self-actualization, and maximizing one's potential. It encompasses needs for self-esteem, mastery, autonomy, personal accomplishment, and finding purpose in life.

Now, let's match the specific needs to their respective categories:

- The need to be secure, safe, and out of danger would fall under the Physical category as it is related to physical well-being and safety.

- The need to feel like you belong, are loved, and are valued would fall under the Emotional category as it is related to emotional well-being and personal connections.

- The need to know, to explore, and to understand would fall under the Aesthetic category as it relates to the appreciation and enjoyment of knowledge and understanding.

- The need to achieve one's full potential as a person would fall under the Self-fulfilling category as it is related to personal growth, self-actualization, and self-fulfillment.

So, the matching would be:

Physical: The need to be secure, safe, and out of danger.
Emotional: The need to feel like you belong, are loved, and are valued.
Aesthetic: The need to know, to explore, and to understand.
Self-fulfilling: The need to achieve one's full potential as a person.

I agree with your answers.