If the main drum diameter is 6M , calculate how for the counterweight will lift each single rotation of the drum , use the formula C = 2TTr

2TTr must 2*pi*r

Circumference will be 2*3.14*3 = ? meters and the counter weight will lift that far for each turn of the drum.

Zandie tells us the answer because Dr Bob 222 is trying to tell us some answers and you are incorrect him. tell us

Can you please tell me i need it guy

To calculate how far the counterweight will lift each single rotation of the drum, you can use the formula C = 2TT r, where C is the circumference of the drum, T is the thickness of the drum, and r is the radius of the drum.

To find the radius of the drum, you can divide the diameter by 2.

Given that the main drum diameter is 6 meters, the radius would be 6 / 2 = 3 meters.

Now, we can calculate the circumference of the drum using the formula C = 2TT r:

C = 2TT * 3 meters

C ≈ 2 * 3.14 * 3 meters

C ≈ 18.84 meters

So, for each single rotation of the drum, the counterweight will lift approximately 18.84 meters.


y'll wron
