If a puppet requires 3/4 yard of material, how many puppets can be made from 9 yards of material?


To find out how many puppets can be made from 9 yards of material, you need to divide the total amount of material by the amount of material required to make one puppet.

In this case, the puppet requires 3/4 yard of material.

To divide 9 yards by 3/4 yard, you can use the concept of fractions and division. One way to do this is by converting the division operation into a multiplication operation.

Step 1: Convert the division into multiplication:
Instead of dividing by 3/4, we can multiply by the reciprocal of 3/4, which is 4/3.

9 yards ÷ (3/4 yard) = 9 yards × (4/3) = 36/3 = 12

Step 2: Simplify the fraction:
The result of the multiplication is 12, which means you can make 12 puppets from 9 yards of material.

So, you can make 12 puppets from 9 yards of material.