Author's write to inform, persuade, and entertain. What is the purpose of the sentence below?

sentence An environmental awareness group created flyers about the benefits of recycling.

1. To persuade & to inform

2. The reason the author is writing the story
3. purpose.
4. people who want to be entertained

This is for Purpose and Audience Quick Check for Connexus.

The purpose of the sentence "An environmental awareness group created flyers about the benefits of recycling" is to inform.

To determine the purpose of a sentence, you can analyze the content and context of the sentence. In this case, the sentence states that an environmental awareness group created flyers about the benefits of recycling. The purpose of this sentence is to provide information about what the group did, specifically their creation of flyers and the topic of the flyers themselves, which is the benefits of recycling. Therefore, the purpose is to inform the reader about the actions and focus of the group.