1.64 as a mixed number in simplest form

1 64/100 = 1 32/50 = 1 16/25

To convert a decimal number to a mixed number, follow these steps:

1. Identify the whole number part: In this case, the whole number part is 1.

2. Identify the fractional part: The fractional part is the decimal part of the number. In this case, the decimal part is 0.64.

3. Simplify the fractional part:
- To simplify the decimal part, you can write it as a fraction with the decimal value as the numerator and a power of 10 as the denominator. Since 0.64 has two decimal places, the denominator will be 10^2, which is 100.
- So, 0.64 can be written as 64/100.

4. Combine the whole number and fractional parts: Now, combine the whole number part and the fractional part (simplified in step 3) to form the mixed number.
- The whole number part is 1 and the fractional part is 64/100.
- Combine them to get the mixed number: 1 64/100.

5. Simplify the mixed number: To simplify the mixed number, you can reduce the fraction part to its simplest form.
- The fraction 64/100 can be reduced to 16/25 by dividing the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 4.
- So, the mixed number 1 64/100 simplifies to 1 16/25.

Therefore, the decimal number 1.64 as a mixed number in simplest form is 1 16/25.