Gold (Au) has a synthetic isotope that is relatively unstable. After 25.5 minutes, a 128-gram sample has decayed to 2 g.

What is the half-life of this isotope?

8.5 minutes

2.25 minutes

1.5 minutes

4.25 minutes

x = Xi e^-kt

2 = 128 e^-25.5 k
0.015625 = e^-25.5 k
ln 0.015625 = -25.5 k
-4.15888 = -25.5 k
k = 0.163
1 = 2 e^-0.163 t for half life
0.5 = e^-0.163 t
ln 0.5 = -0.693 = -0.163 t
t = 4.25 minutes

128/2 = (1/2)^6

So, now you want
25.5/6 = 4.25

For a half-life of k minutes, your function is A = P*(1/2)^(t/k)

To find the half-life of the isotope, we can use the formula for exponential decay:

N(t) = N₀ * (1/2)^(t / T₁/₂)

N(t) is the amount of the substance at time t
N₀ is the initial amount of the substance
T₁/₂ is the half-life of the substance
t is the time that has passed

In this case, after 25.5 minutes (t = 25.5), the sample has decayed to 2 grams (N(t) = 2), and the initial amount of the sample is 128 grams (N₀ = 128).

2 = 128 * (1/2)^(25.5 / T₁/₂)

To solve for T₁/₂, we can rearrange the equation:

(1/2)^(25.5 / T₁/₂) = 2 / 128

Taking the logarithm of both sides:

(25.5 / T₁/₂) * log(1/2) = log(2 / 128)


(25.5 / T₁/₂) * (-0.301) = -2.079

Dividing both sides by (-0.301):

(25.5 / T₁/₂) = 6.901

Now, solve for T₁/₂:

T₁/₂ = 25.5 / 6.901

T₁/₂ ≈ 3.70 minutes

Therefore, the half-life of this isotope is approximately 3.70 minutes.

None of the given options (8.5 minutes, 2.25 minutes, 1.5 minutes, 4.25 minutes) is the correct answer.

To determine the half-life of the isotope, we need to understand its radioactive decay. Given that the 128-gram sample has decayed to 2 grams after 25.5 minutes, we can use the formula for exponential decay:

N = N₀ * (1/2)^(t/T)

N = final amount
N₀ = initial amount
t = time elapsed
T = half-life

In this case, N = 2 g, N₀ = 128 g, and t = 25.5 minutes. We can plug these values into the formula and solve for T.

2 = 128 * (1/2)^(25.5/T)

To solve for T, divide both sides by 128:

2/128 = (1/2)^(25.5/T)

Convert the fraction on the left-hand side to a decimal:

0.015625 = (1/2)^(25.5/T)

We can rewrite the right-hand side as 2^(-25.5/T), since 1/2 is equal to 2^(-1):

0.015625 = 2^(-25.5/T)

To isolate the exponential term, take the logarithm of both sides (base 2):

log₂(0.015625) = log₂(2^(-25.5/T))

Use the logarithmic property that log₂(a^b) = b * log₂(a):

log₂(0.015625) = -25.5/T * log₂(2)

Simplify the right-hand side since log₂(2) equals 1:

log₂(0.015625) = -25.5/T * 1

Now, divide both sides by -25.5:

log₂(0.015625) / -25.5 = 1 / T

Calculate the left-hand side value:

log₂(0.015625) / -25.5 ≈ -0.943

Therefore, the reciprocal of -0.943 gives us the value of T:

T ≈ 1 / -0.943

T ≈ -1.06

Since negative time is not meaningful in this context, we take the absolute value:

T ≈ 1.06

Therefore, the half-life of this isotope is approximately 1.06 minutes.

Considering the provided answer choices, none of them match the calculated half-life.