A sociologist designs a 10-item survey. Each item asks for an opinion on a scale of 1 to 5.

How many different ways could a person answer the survey?



10! / 5!



To determine the number of different ways a person could answer the survey, we need to consider that each item has 5 possible options (ranging from 1 to 5). Since there are 10 items in total, we can multiply the number of possible options for each item together.

Therefore, the correct answer is 5^10.

To determine the number of different ways a person could answer the survey, we need to consider the number of options for each item and the number of items in the survey.

In this case, each item on the survey has 5 possible options (ranging from 1 to 5 on the scale). Since there are 10 items on the survey, we can calculate the total number of different ways to answer the survey by multiplying the number of options for each item together.

Therefore, the correct answer is 5^10.

1 question can be answered in 5 ways

2 questions can be answered in 5*5 or 5^2 ways
3 questions can be answered in 5*5*5 or 5^3 ways
10 questions can be answered in ......