Los Angeles, CA and Charleston, SC are separated by 3500 km. A train carrying cats leaves Charleston, SC at 12:30p heading west at an average speed of 130 km/hr. At 5:45p, a train carrying TNT leaves LA heading east at 90 km/hr. How far did the South Carolina train travel before the Los Angeles train left the station?

To find out how far the South Carolina train traveled before the Los Angeles train left the station, we need to calculate the distance the South Carolina train traveled between 12:30p and 5:45p.

First, let's calculate how long the South Carolina train traveled between 12:30p and 5:45p.

The time difference between 12:30p and 5:45p can be calculated as follows:

5 hours and 45 minutes - 12 hours and 30 minutes

Converting the minutes to hours:

5 hours + (45 minutes / 60 minutes per hour) - (12 hours + (30 minutes / 60 minutes per hour))

5 hours + (0.75 hours) - 12 hours - (0.5 hours)

Now, let's calculate:

5.75 hours - 12.5 hours

-6.75 hours

Since the result is negative, it means that the Los Angeles train left the station before 12:30p. Therefore, the South Carolina Train didn't travel any distance before the Los Angeles train left the station.