Please check my answer thank you.

1. Roger is brainstorming a research topic of his own. Which step of a research process is he on ?

A. Step 1: Choose and Refine Your Topic X
B. Step 3: Evaluate Your Sources
C. Step 4: Organize Your Information
D. None of the above

My answer is A. Step 1: Choose and Refine Your Topic


Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is D. None of the above.

In the given scenario, Roger is in the preliminary stage of brainstorming a research topic. This stage falls before the actual research process begins, so none of the given options apply.

To check your answer, let's go through each option and see which one aligns with the scenario described.

Option A, "Step 1: Choose and Refine Your Topic," suggests that Roger is in the initial stage of brainstorming and selecting a research topic. This seems to be the correct step based on the information given.

Option B, "Step 3: Evaluate Your Sources," relates to evaluating the credibility and relevance of sources once the research topic has been chosen. This step seems to be further down the research process.

Option C, "Step 4: Organize Your Information," involves organizing the gathered information into a coherent structure, which is a step that occurs after sources have been evaluated and selected.

Considering these explanations, it appears that your answer, A, Step 1: Choose and Refine Your Topic, is correct. Well done!