Multiple Choice

The way you communicate with others—how you say things and what you say—plays a role in how messages are received by the other person. Which type of communication uses gestures and tone of voice that can seem threatening to the other person?
A. aggressive
B. assertive
C. cooperation
D. passive

1. Aggressive

2. denying your own feelings and making excuses
3. Body language

these are right trust meh and thanks Anonymous for helping

its ACB I just did

The answers are ACB I just did the 3 question quiz in PE so trust me. P.S EAT POPTARTS FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!

A,C,B Is right! Thanks

ehhh I really don't know.

I put acb but it just said responses saved

Anonymous is correct

i think a

rose is lying about poptart and meyquick. they are both correct.


listen to @bruh, he is correct. The answers acb are also correct but just listen to bruh in case in the future they mix it up.

thx bruh

Thx e you got me 100%! 🥳🥳

every one is right except rose

1. A. Aggressive
2. C.denying your own feelings and making excuses
3. B.Body language


The Answers are a,c,b your welcome

There are 5 questions so, ACB may be correct but why doesn't anyone answer #4 & #5?

So the correct answers are
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. D

They are wrong just did the test

anon your cool like me.


@bruh and @loop hole , are right

Bruh is correct

7 Foot frame

Be back in a week to see if anyone continued the song!

There are 5 questions so, ACB may be correct but why doesn't anyone answer #4 & #5?

How could we trust you?


Bruh is right.

1. A

2. C
3. B
4. B
5. D
some of you might have 3 questions so just the first three answers are correct for you. so just put your trust in me you have no one else

And you think it's … ?

A,C,D is right

poptart is wrong a is right not c or b

i think its a b b
