An indirect, dishonest way to control or influence others is *


my answer is d

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the definitions of the given options:

a. Harassment: The persistent and unwanted behavior that causes distress, intimidation, or annoyance to someone.

b. Bullying: The act of using force, coercion, or threat to abuse, intimidate, or dominate someone.

c. Manipulation: The act of influencing or controlling someone cleverly, unfairly, or indirectly.

d. Conflict: A disagreement or struggle between individuals with opposing needs, ideas, or interests.

Considering the provided definitions, it is clear that the option "c. Manipulation" aligns with an indirect and dishonest way to control or influence others. Manipulation involves using subtle tactics, such as deception, lies, or manipulation of emotions, to convince or influence others to act or think in a particular way.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is c. Manipulation.