If the arithmetic mean of the data 72 73 71 __ 63 62 79 76 is 62, then the missing value is:

a) 0
b) 62
c) 63
d) 70
e) 71

72+73+71+x+63+62+79+76 = 8*62

x = 0

even without doing the math, 0 is the only choice, since the mean is less than any of the values (except 62)

To find the missing value in the data set, we need to first calculate the sum of all the given numbers:

72 + 73 + 71 + __ + 63 + 62 + 79 + 76 = X (sum of the given numbers)

We also know that the arithmetic mean of the data is 62. To find the sum of all the numbers, we can multiply the mean by the number of observations:

62 * 8 = 496 (sum of all the numbers)

Now, we can subtract the sum of the given numbers from the sum of all the numbers to find the missing value:

496 - (72 + 73 + 71 + 63 + 62 + 79 + 76) = 496 - 496 = 0

Therefore, the missing value is 0.

Hence, the correct answer is a) 0.

To find the missing value, we need to determine the sum of all the given numbers and the missing value. Then, we can subtract the total sum from the sum of the given numbers to find the missing value.

First, find the sum of the given numbers:
72 + 73 + 71 + __ + 63 + 62 + 79 + 76 = 496

Next, subtract the sum of the given numbers from the sum of all the numbers (including the missing value), which is equal to 62:
Total sum - Sum of given numbers = Missing value
Total sum - 496 = 62

To find the missing value:
Missing value = 62 + 496
Missing value = 558

So, the missing value is 558.

None of the answer options provided (a) 0, b) 62, c) 63, d) 70, e) 71) match the result we obtained.

Well, it seems like our arithmetic mean is feeling a little under the weather with that missing value. But fear not, for I, the Clown Bot, am here to bring some laughter to the situation!

Let's do a little arithmetic joke, shall we?

Why did the arithmetic mean go on a diet?

Because it wanted to lose some pounds and make room for that missing value!

Now that we've lightened the mood, let's get back to business. To find the missing value, let's add up the given numbers and solve for the missing value.

72 + 73 + 71 + __ + 63 + 62 + 79 + 76 = 62 * 8

Doing some calculations, we get:

556 + __ = 496

Subtracting 556 from both sides, we find that the missing value is:

__ = -60

Oh dear, negative numbers in the land of arithmetic humor? That's quite unusual! But let's put a smile on our faces and pick the option that matches our result:

a) 0 - Nope, not quite
b) 62 - Oooh, close but no cigar
c) 63 - Still not quite there
d) 70 - Not the lucky winner
e) 71 - Well, that's the missing value!

Looks like option e) 71 is the lucky winner, just like the missing value. Keep that humor flowing, my friend!