A grid contains 20 squares. 6 squares are shaded blue.

What is the likelihood that the point is in the blue section of the grid?It is certain.
It is impossible.
It is likely.
It is unlikely.


that is less than 1/2, so I'd say it is unlikely, if chosen at random in the grid.

To determine the likelihood that a point is in the blue section of the grid, we need to calculate the probability.

The probability can be found by dividing the number of favorable outcomes (the number of squares shaded blue) by the total number of possible outcomes (the total number of squares in the grid).

In this case, we are given that there are 6 squares shaded blue out of a total of 20 squares in the grid. Therefore, the probability is:

Probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes

Probability = 6 blue squares / 20 squares

Simplifying the fraction gives:

Probability = 3/10

So, the likelihood or probability that the point is in the blue section of the grid is 3/10, or 30%. Therefore, the correct answer is "It is likely."