What is a passive voice in a sentence?

A. The sentence uses present tense verbs.
B. The subject is acted upon by the verb.
C. The subject performs the action stated by the verb. <--------------
D. The sentence uses past tense verbs.

No. C is the definition of active voice.

Oh wait so passive means subject and verb?

Now that I thought about it I believe its D. Because A subject is like School like school is fun or learning is fun so they are basically talking about school and giving reasons why they like it or something

Nope. If that linked info doesn't make sense to you, try this one. Read carefully:


All sentences have subject and verb.

Read carefully,

The correct answer is C. The passive voice in a sentence occurs when the subject is acted upon by the verb. In other words, the subject of the sentence is receiving the action rather than performing it. To identify the passive voice in a sentence, you can look for the following characteristics:

1. The verb is in the past participle form (often ends in -ed or -en).
2. The subject may be preceded by the preposition "by" (e.g., "The cake was baked by John").
3. The sentence may not explicitly mention the doer of the action (e.g., "The cake was baked" without mentioning who did the baking).

By recognizing these patterns, you can identify when a sentence is using the passive voice.