Which is the best summary of the following text?

It happens way too often: oil leaking from wells beneath the ocean or tankers spilling their cargo into the waves. One disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, called the Tyler spill, has been leaking hundreds of barrels of oil per day into the ocean for the past 14 years. That safety should be a higher priority is a no-brainer. But something can be done to clean up oil spills—something that doesn’t involve pouring chemical cleanup agents into our already fouled waters. And yet the oil industry has not embraced this smart, safe method.

a The oil industry needs to work more efficiently.

b Oil spills occur too frequently.

c The oil industry should promptly handle oil spills with a chemical clean-up process.

d Oil spills are an ongoing problem that can be improved in a smart and safe manner. ***

I agree.

d Oil spills are an ongoing problem that can be improved in a smart and safe manner.

In order to determine the best summary of the text, let's break down the main points mentioned:

- Oil leaks and spills happen frequently in the oceans.
- One specific spill, called the Tyler spill, has been ongoing for 14 years.
- Safety should be a higher priority in the oil industry.
- There is a smart and safe method for cleaning up oil spills, which does not involve pouring chemical cleanup agents into the water.
- However, the oil industry has not embraced this method.

Based on these points, the best summary of the text would be d) Oil spills are an ongoing problem that can be improved in a smart and safe manner.