Which excerpt from “Two Kinds” shows that the mother knows how her daughter can become a prodigy?

None, apparently.

To find the excerpt from the story "Two Kinds" that shows that the mother knows how her daughter can become a prodigy, you would need to refer to the text. "Two Kinds" is a short story written by Amy Tan and it is part of her book "The Joy Luck Club."

To locate the desired excerpt, you can follow these steps:

1. Obtain a copy of the story: This can be done by either accessing a personal copy of the book or searching for an online version of the story.

2. Read the story: Start reading "Two Kinds" from the beginning until you reach the part where the mother discusses her daughter's potential to become a prodigy.

3. Pay attention to descriptive details: Look for passages where the mother expresses her knowledge about her daughter's abilities or where she discusses her hopes and expectations for her daughter's success.

4. Spot specific lines or paragraphs: Identify sections where the mother directly mentions or implies that she knows how her daughter can become a prodigy.

By carefully reading the story, you should be able to find the excerpt that demonstrates the mother's understanding of her daughter's potential to become a prodigy. It is important to note that the specific excerpt may vary depending on different interpretations of the story.