What is the function of osteoblasts in the body?

They control voluntary movements.

They respond to changes in the environment.

They provide structure and support.

They help break down food within the stomach.

How is homeostasis achieved?

Cells control involuntary movements.

Cells secrete stomach enzymes.

Cells control voluntary movements.

Cells maintain internal stability.

How are muscle cells and bone cells similar?

Both gather information from inside and outside the body.

Both make it possible for you to respond to your environment by moving.

Both release sweat when the temperature gets too warm.

Both control involuntary movements such as the beating of your heart.

How are involuntary and voluntary movements similar in the body?

Both occur in the heart.

Both occur through muscle cells.

Both occur in the stomach.

Both occur through homeostasis.

Please help asap!

bro... then don't answer?

1. The function of osteoblasts in the body is to provide structure and support. Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells that are responsible for synthesizing and depositing new bone tissue. They play a crucial role in bone growth, remodeling, and repair.

To find this answer, you could search for "function of osteoblasts" or "role of osteoblasts in the body" in a reliable source such as scientific journals, textbooks, or reputable educational websites. This will provide you with information specifically related to the topic.

2. Homeostasis is achieved through cells maintaining internal stability. Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism or a system to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes or fluctuations. Cells in the body have various mechanisms to monitor and regulate factors such as temperature, pH, nutrient levels, and waste accumulation to ensure internal equilibrium.

To understand how homeostasis is achieved, you could search for "how is homeostasis maintained" or "mechanisms of homeostasis" in trusted sources. This will provide you with explanations of the different processes and feedback mechanisms involved in achieving and maintaining homeostasis in the body.

3. Muscle cells and bone cells are similar in that both make it possible for you to respond to your environment by moving. Muscle cells, specifically skeletal muscle cells, are responsible for voluntary movement and locomotion. They contract and relax in response to signals from the nervous system, allowing you to move your body. Bone cells, on the other hand, contribute to the structural framework of the body, providing support for muscle attachment and facilitating movement.

To find information on the similarities between muscle cells and bone cells, you could search for "similarities between muscle cells and bone cells" or "muscle cells vs. bone cells" in reliable scientific sources. This will provide you with detailed explanations of the similarities and functions of these cell types in relation to movement.

4. Involuntary and voluntary movements are similar in the body as both occur through muscle cells. Involuntary movements are actions that happen without conscious control, such as the beating of the heart or peristaltic contractions in the digestive system. These movements are controlled by smooth muscle cells and cardiac muscle cells. Voluntary movements, on the other hand, are movements that we intentionally initiate, such as walking or typing, and are controlled by skeletal muscle cells.

To understand the similarities between involuntary and voluntary movements, you could search for "similarities between involuntary and voluntary movements" or "types of muscle cells involved in movement" in trusted sources. This will provide you with information on the different types of muscle cells involved in both types of movements and how they function.

bro there's no way you're this trash at science.

you have a brain for a reason-

google exists for a reason -w-