Thanks to the use of art, this artist was able to communicate the feeling of

A. anger.
B. excitement.
C. sorrow.
D. content.

To determine the answer, we need to consider the information provided in the question. The artist used art to communicate a feeling, so we should look for clues about the feeling portrayed in the artwork. Unfortunately, the question does not provide any specific details about the artwork or the artist, making it difficult to give a definitive answer. However, based on the given options, we can make an educated guess.

If we consider the use of art as a medium for expressing emotions, it is reasonable to assume that art can be used to communicate a variety of feelings. Out of the given options, anger, excitement, sorrow, and contentment are all valid emotions that can be effectively communicated through art.

Without more specific information, it is not possible to determine which of these emotions the artist was aiming to communicate. Therefore, we cannot choose a definitive answer from the given options (A. anger, B. excitement, C. sorrow, D. content).

To determine the correct answer, we can look at the use of art as a means of communication and analyze the feeling conveyed by the artist. In this case, we need to assess which feeling is being expressed through art.

One way to analyze the feeling conveyed by an artwork is to closely observe its visual elements, such as color palette, composition, and subject matter. The artist's choice of colors, the overall atmosphere of the artwork, and the subject depicted can provide hints about the intended emotion.

Additionally, understanding the context of the artwork can be helpful. Art can often be a reflection of the artist's personal experiences, historical events, or societal issues. By understanding the background of the artist and the context in which the artwork was created, we can gain deeper insights into the intended emotion.

In this case, since we do not have any specific artwork or artist mentioned, it becomes challenging to provide a precise answer. However, one could argue that any of the given options - anger, excitement, sorrow, or content - could be expressed through art, depending on the specific artwork and the interpretation of its visual elements and context.

Therefore, without further information, it is difficult to determine which specific feeling the artist was communicating through the use of art.

What artist or piece of art? What is your choice?

1. b

2. c
3. d
4. a
5. d