**** = my answer

Which of the following is an example of the relationship between culture and geography?

A. A civilization isolated by mountains develops its own language.****

B. Trade develops between two groups of people who use different economic systems.

C. People meet to discuss changes to their form of government.

D. Religious beliefs are passed down from one generation to another.

am I right or wrong??

I would agree.

does **** mean d?

oh wait nvm thx

what does **** mean?

sooo...... anyone know the answer?

i guess not


You are correct!

In this question, you are asked to identify an example of the relationship between culture and geography. To determine the correct answer, let's evaluate each option:

A. A civilization isolated by mountains develops its own language.
This option demonstrates how geography, specifically mountains acting as a barrier, can influence culture by leading to the development of a distinct language. This aligns with the relationship between culture and geography.

B. Trade develops between two groups of people who use different economic systems.
Although trade involves cultural exchanges, this option specifically refers to economic systems, rather than geography.

C. People meet to discuss changes to their form of government.
This option emphasizes political changes, rather than the relationship between culture and geography.

D. Religious beliefs are passed down from one generation to another.
While this option touches on the transmission of cultural beliefs across generations, it does not directly highlight the impact of geography on culture.

As a result, option A is the most accurate choice since it specifically demonstrates how geography, in this case, mountains, can influence the development of a distinct language for an isolated civilization. Well done for selecting the correct answer!