What is the atomic mass of B if 19.9% of all B atoms have a mass of 10.01 amu and 80.1% have a mass of 11.01 amu?

(10.01 x 0.199) + (11.01 x 0.801) = ?

To find the atomic mass of B, we can use the weighted average formula.

Step 1: Convert the percentages to decimal form.
19.9% = 0.199
80.1% = 0.801

Step 2: Multiply each mass value by its corresponding percentage.
(10.01 amu) * (0.199) = 1.99299 amu
(11.01 amu) * (0.801) = 8.820801 amu

Step 3: Add the results from Step 2.
1.99299 amu + 8.820801 amu = 10.813791 amu

Therefore, the atomic mass of B is approximately 10.813791 amu.

To find the atomic mass of element B, we need to calculate the weighted average of the masses of the isotopes present in B.

Step 1: Write down the given information:
- Percentage of B atoms with a mass of 10.01 amu = 19.9%
- Percentage of B atoms with a mass of 11.01 amu = 80.1%

Step 2: Convert the percentages into decimal form:
- 19.9% = 0.199
- 80.1% = 0.801

Step 3: Multiply the mass of each isotope by its respective percentage (in decimal form):
- Multiply 10.01 amu by 0.199
- Multiply 11.01 amu by 0.801

Step 4: Calculate the sum of the resulting values from Step 3:
- (10.01 amu * 0.199) + (11.01 amu * 0.801)

Step 5: Simplify Step 4 to find the atomic mass of B:
- (1.99099 amu) + (8.81301 amu)
- 1.99099 amu + 8.81301 amu
- 10.804 amu

Therefore, the atomic mass of element B is approximately 10.804 amu.