Can someone check my answers plz.

1. For the given word problem, identify the specific quantity.
An environmental group is planting trees in a park. The group wants to plant 32 trees in all and have already planted 11 trees. If the group can plant 3 trees per hour, how long will it take it to finish?
2.For the given equation, identify the value of the rate at which the equation is changing. 7x−3=32
Thank you so much!!!!!!!


You need to plant 32 - 11 = 21 trees
21 trees * ( 1 hour/3 trees) = 7 hours

The second one makes no sense.. Nothing is changing. x = 35/7 = 5 period

none of the responses for #1 are correct

#2 looks good

To check the answers for the given questions:

1. For the word problem, the question is asking how long it will take to finish planting all the trees. The rate at which the trees are being planted is 3 trees per hour. The number of trees left to be planted is 32 - 11 = 21. To find the time it will take, we can set up a ratio.

The ratio is: 3 trees per hour = 21 trees / x hours

Cross-multiplying gives: 3x = 21

Dividing both sides by 3 gives: x = 7

Therefore, it would take 7 hours to finish planting all the trees. So, the correct answer is A. 7.

2. For the equation 7x - 3 = 32, the question is asking for the value of the rate at which the equation is changing. In this equation, x represents the variable, and the coefficient in front of x is the rate at which it is changing. In this case, it is 7. So, the correct answer is B. 7.

Remember, it's always a good idea to double-check your work and make sure you understand the steps and calculations involved in solving the problems.