Essam traced his ruler on graph paper. He kept the edge of the ruler on the paper while he flipped the ruler over. Then, he traced the ruler again. What type of transformation did he perform?





help please!!!

If he had it along the x axis in quadrant 1

Then flipped it over the x axis into quadrant 4
That was a reflection

C reflection

To determine the type of transformation Essam performed, we need to understand what each option means:

A. Duplication: This refers to creating an exact copy of the original figure, which is not the case here.

B. Translation: This involves sliding a figure along a straight line, without changing its orientation or shape. Essam did not simply move the ruler horizontally or vertically.

C. Reflection: This is when a figure is flipped over a line, resulting in a mirror image of the original figure. Since Essam flipped the ruler over while keeping its edge on the paper, he most likely performed a reflection.

D. Rotation: This is when a figure turns around a fixed point. Essam did not rotate the ruler in this situation.

Considering the above explanations, the correct answer is C. reflection.