you share your packet of jelly beans with your sister in the ratio 5:3. how many jelly beans do you get?

5/8 of the total, whatever that is

thanks oobleck

To find out how many jelly beans you get in the given ratio of 5:3, you need to follow these steps:

1. Add the two parts of the ratio: 5 + 3 = 8. This represents the total number of parts.

2. Divide the total number of jelly beans in the packet by the total number of parts from the previous step. Let's say there are X jelly beans. So, X/8 represents the number of jelly beans per part.

3. Multiply the number of parts you have in the ratio by the 'jelly beans per part' value to find out how many jelly beans you get. In this case, the ratio is 5:3, and we want to know how many you get. So, multiply 5 by X/8.

Therefore, the equation becomes: (5/8)X.

To get the actual number of jelly beans you get, you would need to know the total number of jelly beans in the packet (represented by X), and then calculate (5/8)X.

Please note that without knowing the total number of jelly beans, we can determine the ratio of jelly beans you would get, but not the exact number.