What two things do nearly all types of music have in common?

A. guitar and drums
B. pitch and rhythm
C. conductors and composers**
D. notation and producers

I think its either B or C

So which do you think? B or C? And why?

The correct answer is B. Pitch and rhythm. Nearly all types of music, regardless of genre or style, feature elements of pitch (the highness or lowness of a sound) and rhythm (the arrangement of sounds in time).

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A. Guitar and drums: While guitar and drums are common instruments found in many types of music, they are not universal. There are many musical genres that do not use these instruments, such as orchestral music or a cappella singing, so this option is not accurate.

B. Pitch and rhythm: Pitch refers to the highness or lowness of a sound, while rhythm refers to the pattern of notes and beats in music. These two elements, pitch and rhythm, are fundamental to music and are present in almost all types of music. Therefore, this option is likely to be correct.

C. Conductors and composers: Conductors and composers are important figures within a musical performance, but they are not elements found directly in music itself. While conductors interpret and guide the musicians when performing music, and composers create the music, they are not universal in all types of music. Thus, this option is not accurate.

D. Notation and producers: Notation refers to the written representation of music, such as sheet music or musical scores, while producers are individuals involved in recording and producing music. While both notation and producers are important aspects of music, they are not found in all types of music universally. Therefore, this option is not accurate.

Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that the correct answer is B. Pitch and rhythm are the two things that nearly all types of music have in common.