Four people are painting a house. Max paints 18 of the house, Shen paints 14%, Jake paints 0.12, and Todd paints 0.2.

Which choice lists the people in order from least to greatest by the amount each one paints the house?

I think it is Jake,Shen,Max,Todd


if "18" means 18% or .18

To determine the order from least to greatest by the amount each person paints the house, we need to compare the values given.

First, let's convert the percentages and decimals into fractions:

- Max paints 18 of the house.
- Shen paints 14% of the house, which can be written as 14/100. To determine the amount, we multiply the fraction by the total area of the house.
14/100 * (total house area)

- Jake paints 0.12 of the house.
- Todd paints 0.2 of the house.

Now, let's compare the values:

- Jake paints 0.12 of the house.
- Shen paints 14/100 of the house.
- Max paints 18 of the house.
- Todd paints 0.2 of the house.

From least to greatest, the order would be:
Jake, Shen, Todd, Max.

Therefore, the correct answer is Jake, Shen, Todd, Max.