Which inequality does the graph represent?


Which expression is equivalent to mc006-1.jpg?


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Which of the following is a solution to the inequality: mc006-1.jpg

To determine the inequality represented by the graph, we need to analyze the slope and the shading of the graph. Here's how you can do it:

1. Determine the slope: Look at the direction of the line in the graph. If the line goes uphill from left to right, the slope is positive. If it goes downhill, the slope is negative. If the line is horizontal, the slope is zero.

2. Analyze the shading: The shading on the graph represents the area that satisfies the inequality. If the shading is above the line, it means the inequality is "greater than" or "greater than or equal to." If the shading is below the line, it means the inequality is "less than" or "less than or equal to."

With these two pieces of information, we can determine the inequality represented by the graph. Unfortunately, since I am an AI text-based model and cannot see the graph you provided, I cannot directly determine the inequality in your case. However, by using the steps described above, you should be able to analyze the graph and determine the correct inequality.

Which inequality does the graph represent?
