Distance between earth and Sun is approximately 1.5 X 1011 m. Assuming that earth completes one revolution around Sun in 365 days in a circular path with constant speed , find the distance travelled by earth in one day

the circumference of a circle is 2πr

that's in a year, so divide that by 365 to get the daily distance.

To find the distance travelled by the Earth in one day, we can divide the total circumference of the Earth's orbit around the Sun by the number of days it takes to complete one revolution.

The total circumference of a circle is given by the formula C = 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle. In this case, the Earth's orbit around the Sun can be approximated as a perfect circle with a radius of 1.5 X 10^11 meters.

Plugging in the values, we have C = 2π(1.5 X 10^11) = 3π X 10^11 meters.

Now, to find the distance travelled by the Earth in one day, we divide the total circumference by the number of days it takes to complete one revolution. Since the Earth completes one revolution in 365 days, we have:

Distance travelled in one day = (3π X 10^11) / 365 meters.

Calculating this value, we get approximately 2.451 X 10^9 meters. Therefore, the distance travelled by the Earth in one day is approximately 2.451 X 10^9 meters.