Please help

A Brick is resting on smooth wooden board that s at a 30 angle, What is one way to overoome the state tuition that is holding the brick in plece? (i pot)

Raise the board to her angle

press down on the brick in a direction that perpendicular to the board

roughen up the texture of the wooden board
Lower the board so its level with the ground***

Okay, thank you for helping oobleck really appreciate it. Now I think the answer is 1 because for the brick to stay on level it needs to be at its correct angle.

To overcome the static position holding the brick in place on the smooth wooden board, one way is to lower the board so it is level with the ground.

To overcome the static friction that is holding the brick in place on the smooth wooden board at a 30-degree angle, one way to do it is by lowering the board so that it becomes level with the ground. By doing this, you reduce the angle of the board, which will decrease the force of static friction acting on the brick. With a lower angle, there will be less resistance to movement, and the brick will be able to slide more easily.

state tuition ? in plece ? i pot ?

You ever hear of proofreading?

And no, your answer is not correct. overcoming the friction means that the brick will start to move.