Convert 1/4” to thousanths

If 1 / 4" mean 1 / 4 inch


1 inch = 1" = 25.4 mm

1 / 4" = 25.4 / 4 = 6.350 mm

1/4 = 250/1000 = 0.250

To convert 1/4 inch to thousandths, we need to understand that there are 1,000 thousandths in 1 inch.

First, we convert 1/4 inch to a decimal. To do this, divide 1 by 4: 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25

Next, we multiply the decimal value by 1,000 to get the thousandths value: 0.25 x 1,000 = 250

Therefore, 1/4 inch is equal to 250 thousandths.