Theoretically if you roll a number cube ten times, how many times would you expect to roll the number 6?

10/6 or 5/3 ... about 2

To determine the expected number of times to roll a specific number on a number cube, you need to know the probability of rolling that number on a single roll.

In this case, since a number cube (also known as a six-sided die) has six possible outcomes (numbers 1 to 6), each with an equal chance of occurring, the probability of rolling a 6 on a single roll is 1/6.

To calculate the expected number of times you would roll a 6 in ten rolls, you can multiply the probability of rolling a 6 on a single roll (1/6) by the number of rolls (10):

Expected number of 6's = (Probability of a 6 on a single roll) × (Number of rolls)
= (1/6) × 10
= 10/6
≈ 1.67

Therefore, the expected number of times to roll the number 6 when rolling a number cube ten times is approximately 1.67 times. Since you cannot have a fraction of a roll, you would expect to roll a 6 either once or twice in ten rolls, depending on the actual outcomes.