What happened after the Haitian Revolution?

A) France paid reparations for losses to the new Haitian government.
B) France declared war on Spain over control of the Dominican Republic.
C) France received reparations for loss of property.
D) France abolished slavery in Jamaica and Cuba.

Is it A?

Im going to help every student who is searching for the answer...... The answer is actually C, It is not a troll.....C) France received reparations for loss of property. is the correct answer.

damn no answer ;(

c is correct

NVM its not A

No, not A.


Let me know what you decide.

oh is it C) France received reparations for loss of property.

c it is

Yes, it is option A) France paid reparations for losses to the new Haitian government.

The Haitian Revolution, which occurred between 1791 and 1804, resulted in Haiti becoming the first independent nation in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the first black-led republic in the world. After the revolution, Haiti had to face significant challenges in rebuilding its economy and establishing itself as a sovereign nation.

One of the major consequences of the Haitian Revolution was the demand by France for reparations from Haiti. In 1825, under the threat of invasion by France, Haiti was forced to enter into a treaty known as the "Treaty of Cap-Haïtien." This treaty stipulated that Haiti had to pay a massive indemnity to France, equivalent to 150 million francs, as compensation for the loss of French property and slaves during the revolution.

The payment of this indemnity had substantial economic repercussions for Haiti, as it plunged the country into a cycle of debt and poverty that lasted for many years. It took Haiti more than a century to fully repay this debt, which had a severe impact on the country's development.

Therefore, option A) France paid reparations for losses to the new Haitian government is the correct answer.

Are you clear on what "received" and "reparations" mean?

And please read the article whose link I posted above.