Sonya has a books. Nick has 3 more books than Sonya. How many books does Nick have? How many books do both children have?

Number of books owned by Sonya ---- x

number of books owned by Nick = x+3

books owned by both = 2x+3


To find out how many books Nick has, we first need to determine the number of books Sonya has. Let's call the number of books Sonya has as "x".

According to the given information, Nick has 3 more books than Sonya. So, the number of books Nick has will be "x + 3".

To find out how many books both children have in total, we need to add the number of books each child has.

So, the number of books both children have is given by the equation: x + (x + 3).

However, we do not have the value of "x" or the number of books Sonya has. If you provide that information, I can help you calculate the number of books Nick has and the total number of books both children have.