Medicinal uses of plants include all of the following except

a. cancer treatment
b. treatment for cardiac disorder
c. decongestant
d. Albanian treatment

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D. Albinism treatment

To determine the correct answer, let's go through each option:

a. Cancer treatment: Many plants have been traditionally used for their anticancer properties, and modern medicine has also discovered and utilized specific plant compounds for cancer treatment. So, this option is likely a valid medicinal use of plants.

b. Treatment for cardiac disorder: Several plants contain compounds that can be beneficial for the heart and cardiovascular health. These include herbs like hawthorn, garlic, and turmeric. Therefore, this option is also a valid medicinal use of plants.

c. Decongestant: Plants like eucalyptus, peppermint, and ginger have been historically used as natural decongestants due to their ability to open up the airways and relieve nasal congestion. Hence, this option is most likely a valid medicinal use of plants as well.

d. Albanian treatment: The term "Albanian treatment" does not refer to a specific medical condition or treatment method associated with plants. Therefore, this option does not seem to be a valid medicinal use of plants.

Thus, based on the explanations above, the correct answer is option d. Albanian treatment.