How do I do the cross product of the following (<-2sin(t),2cos(t),2>/√8 cross(<-2cos(t),-2sin(t),0>/√4)?

the same as any other two vectors. As a determinant. Just to make things easier to read, I'll save the √8 and √4 factors till the end.

|i j k|
| -2sint 2cost 2|
|-2cost -2sint 0|
= <4sint,-4cost,8sint cost>
or, 4<sint, -cost, sin2t>
so, since 4/(√8√4) = 1/√2,
1/√2 <sint, -cost, sin2t>

I really need those steps.Thank you

In that case, review your Algebra II, where you learned to evaluate 3x3 determinants.

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To calculate the cross product of two vectors, you can use the following formula:

(A × B) = (A_y * B_z - A_z * B_y)i + (A_z * B_x - A_x * B_z)j + (A_x * B_y - A_y * B_x)k

In this case, you have two vectors:

A = <-2sin(t), 2cos(t), 2> / √8
B = <-2cos(t), -2sin(t), 0> / √4

To calculate the cross product, you will perform the following steps:

Step 1: Assign values to A and B
A_x = -2sin(t) / √8
A_y = 2cos(t) / √8
A_z = 2 / √8

B_x = -2cos(t) / √4
B_y = -2sin(t) / √4
B_z = 0

Step 2: Calculate the cross product components
(A_y * B_z - A_z * B_y) = (2cos(t) / √8 * 0) - (2 / √8 * (-2sin(t) / √4))
(A_z * B_x - A_x * B_z) = (2 / √8 * (-2cos(t) / √4)) - (-2sin(t) / √8 * 0)
(A_x * B_y - A_y * B_x) = ((-2sin(t) / √8 * (-2sin(t) / √4)) - (2cos(t) / √8 * (-2cos(t) / √4)))

Step 3: Simplify the cross product components
(A_y * B_z - A_z * B_y) = -4sin(t) / 4
(A_z * B_x - A_x * B_z) = -4cos(t) / 8
(A_x * B_y - A_y * B_x) = 2sin^2(t) / 8 + 2cos^2(t) / 8

Step 4: Combine the cross products components
(A × B) = (-sin(t), -cos(t), sin^2(t) + cos^2(t)) / 2

So, the cross product of the given vectors (<-2sin(t), 2cos(t), 2>/√8) × (<-2cos(t), -2sin(t), 0>/√4) is (-sin(t), -cos(t), 1) / 2.