Amber is celebrating her birthday and wants to bring in cupcakes for her classmates. Each cupcake tray holds eight cupcakes and the tins are always filled. If there are twenty-seven other kids in the class, and one teacher, how many trays of cupcakes will Amber need?

Needs 27 + her + teacher = 29

27 / 8 = 3 3/8
but she must get filled trays so she better get four

Well, Amber really knows how to make a party sweet! With 27 kids plus 1 teacher, that's a total of 28 hungry mouths to feed. Since each cupcake tray holds 8 cupcakes, we can divide 28 by 8 to find out how many trays Amber will need. Mathematically, 28 divided by 8 is 3 with a remainder of 4, which means Amber will need THREE trays of cupcakes and then some leftovers for those four extra cupcakes. Sounds like Amber is not only celebrating her birthday but also starting a cupcake revolution!

To find out how many trays of cupcakes Amber will need, we need to calculate the total number of cupcakes required first.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of kids in the class, including Amber and the teacher.
Total kids = 27 (other kids) + 1 (Amber) + 1 (teacher) = 29

Step 2: Calculate the total number of cupcakes needed.
Total cupcakes = Total kids * Cupcakes per tray
Total cupcakes = 29 * 8 = 232 cupcakes

Step 3: Calculate the number of trays needed.
Number of trays = Round up (Total cupcakes / Cupcakes per tray)
Number of trays = Round up (232 / 8)
Number of trays = Round up (29)
Number of trays = 29 trays

Therefore, Amber will need 29 trays of cupcakes for her classmates.

To determine the number of trays of cupcakes Amber will need, we need to calculate the total number of cupcakes required for all the kids and the teacher and then divide that by the number of cupcakes each tray can hold.

First, let's calculate the total number of cupcakes required for the kids and the teacher:
Number of kids: 27
Number of teachers: 1

Total number of people = Number of kids + Number of teachers
= 27 + 1
= 28

Next, let's calculate the total number of cupcakes required:
Number of cupcakes per tray = 8
Total number of cupcakes required = Total number of people × Number of cupcakes per person
= 28 × 1
= 28

Now, let's determine the number of trays of cupcakes Amber will need:
Number of trays of cupcakes = Total number of cupcakes required ÷ Number of cupcakes per tray
= 28 ÷ 8
= 3.5

Since each tray is always filled, Amber will need to round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, she will need 4 trays of cupcakes.