write the decimal as a fraction and as a percent.

0.4 is the decimal.

okkk thanks

What is 40 percent, and what is 4/10

0.4 = 40% = 40/100 = 4/10 = 2/5

To write 0.4 as a fraction, we can use the fact that the decimal part represents the numerator and the place value of the last digit represents the denominator.

In this case, the decimal part is 4, and the place value of the last digit, which is 4, is tenths (1/10). Combining them, we can write 0.4 as:

0.4 = 4/10

However, we can simplify this fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2. So, dividing both 4 and 10 by 2, we get:

0.4 = 4/10 = 2/5

So, 0.4 can be written as the fraction 2/5.

To write 0.4 as a percent, we can multiply it by 100. The word "percent" means "per hundred," so multiplying by 100 converts the decimal to a fraction out of 100.

0.4 * 100 = 40

Therefore, 0.4 as a percent is 40%.

im sorry I don't get where u r going with this?

would it be......
4/100 then divide both by 4 to get 1/25 for the fraction? and then divide that to get 0.04% as the percent?
Is this right I'm really not sure?